The following circuit is a module-4 Up-Counter, synthesized with D-PET flip-flops. Click on the figure to open in the d-DcS the counter schematic: Q1 and Q0 are the counter outputs. Using the d-DcS timing simulator Beyond this clock frequency, the network fails, because the combinational network cannot provide the correct input to the flip-flops within the next clock rising-edge. The D1 and D0 outputs have been added to the schematic to facilitate the understanding of this process. You should compare the timing diagram resulting from the simulation of the normal case (where the frequency is lower than the maximum working frequency), and of the fault case (frequency higher). Suggestions 1) To avoid confusion in the timing diagram,
activate low the !Reset signal at least for
20 nS. 3) For the time delay measurement, you could activate the time cursors, using the button