A new deed: a new site for Deeds...
Our latest deed is this new web site, with more contents and an improved graphical appearance. The new site contains a lot of new materials, for instance the digital contents of the new book “Introduzione al progetto di sistemi digitali” (Introduction to Digital Systems Design, by G.Donzellini, L.Oneto, D.Ponta and D.Anguita).
The new site is divided in four sections:

The Home section contains information as News, Activities, and Ideas & Projects regarding the world of Deeds.
The Deeds Simulator section is devoted entirely to its environment, with a general description of the simulator: Screenshots, Version Notes, Credits, Papers, Demos, and so on. The Google discussion group is linked in this section.
The Learning Materials section makes available examples, exercises, projects and tutorials.
The Books section makes accessible the digital contents and the additional material of our books.