Multiplier Components

The following menu items allow you to insert multiplier components into the schematic.

The following figure shows the five different components that are available.

The figure shows several bit types. The simplest, a 2x2 bit type (leftmost), works with unsigned numbers. Two identical 4x4 bit types (second and third) are useful for both signed and unsigned numbers and differ only by pin type (normal or bus). The last two bit types allow 8x8 and 16x16 multiplication of two signed or unsigned numbers. All signed numbers must be two's complement coded.

With the exception of the first one, all the others have a programming pin for each of the two operands. The sA and sB pins specify if operand A and B, respectively, are signed (if = '1') or unsigned (if = '0'). Note that if at least one of the operands is signed, the result will also be signed.

The image below depicts a straightforward test circuit for the 4x4 bit type. Click on the circuit to open it in Deeds-DcS.